Flex 4 Collection Change Example

= 0) { ac.removeItemAt(dg.selectedIndex); } } // Update an existing person in the ArrayCollection. public function updatePerson():void { // Make sure an item is selected. if (dg.selectedItem !== null) { ac.setItemAt({first:firstInput.text, last:lastInput.text, email:emailInput.text}, dg.selectedIndex); } } // The change event listener for the DataGrid. // Clears the text input controls and updates them with the contents // of the selected item. public function dgChangeHandler():void { clearInputs(); firstInput.text = dg.selectedItem.first; lastInput.text = dg.selectedItem.last; emailInput.text = dg.selectedItem.email; } // Clear the text from the input controls. public function clearInputs():void { firstInput.text = ""; lastInput.text = ""; emailInput.text = ""; } // The labelFunction for the ComboBox; // Puts first and last names in the ComboBox. public function myLabelFunc(item:Object):String { return item.first + " " + item.last; } ]]>

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